8.12. General Buttons of the Options Dialog

8.12. General Buttons of the Options Dialog

Fig.100 general buttons options
Fig.100: General buttons of the Options Window


8.12.1. Buttons “Export/Import Settings”

These buttons allow for export/import of setting. A dialog for specifying the name for the exported settings will open, or respectively for selecting existing settings that shall be imported.


8.12.2. Button “Close Window”

Clicking on “Close Window” closes the options dialog without saving the settings for the next program start. BUT: The settings that were just made are already applied, so those will remain active until program restart.


8.12.3. Button “Save Settings and Close Window”

Clicking this button saves the settings made to the active settings file. On restart of the program, these settings will be used. Use this button after any color corrections have been made to preserve those settings.


8.12.4. Filename path of ini File

The area “Filename of IniFile” shows the actual path to the active *.ini configuration settings file. As it is possible to use many configuration / settings files with Laserworld Showeditor, this helps in identifying the active one.
