
How to create a full power beam for power measurement

Laserworld Showeditor offers a special option for creating a full power, cw laser beam for power measurement purposes.

Be careful, a strong single laser beam is emitted! Make sure to point the laser to a non-flammable surface!

Warning: Only proceed if you know what you're doing! Even the reflection of the beam can be dangerous to human eye, so be careful and take appropriate safety precautions!


  1. Click on "Options" and navigate to the tab "Color Correction"
  2. Make sure that the faders for each color are in standard position (at least no curve is set and the maximum power per color isn't reduced)
  3. Click the button "Color Correction", a new window opens up and a warning message appears. Read, understand and click OK.
  4. Make the selection of your desire and tick the checkboxes below the respective color(s) you want to output. Then click "Proceed" to have the laser output (another warning shows, click OK). You can then adjust the output brightness with the fader:
    color correction

    - Laser CW mode ensures, that the output is pure at full power and does not have any blanking points. Choose this for power measurement.
    - Laser bank mode emulates a normal blanked output behavior, this setting is not suitable for full power measurement.
    - Helix outputs a scanned helix, not a single beam. Under certain circumstances this is also suitable for power measurement, but it's recommended to just do ...
    - Singlebeam - a single beam is emitted in the chosen color(s)
