Features & Info
About Showeditor
Technical Requirements
Multi-interface, compatible hardware
Free Lasershows
1. Preface
1.1. Liability
1.2. Versions
1.3. Minimum Hardware Requirements
2. Installation
2.1. New Installation
2.2. Updates / New Versions
2.3. Different Versions of Laserworld Showeditor on one PC
2.4. DLL-Files and Error-Messages during Installation
2.5. Laser Output Hardware (DAC)
2.6. Routing of Hardware-Output
2.7. Starting the Program
2.8. Initial Settings
3. First Steps / Quick Start
3.1. Playback a pre-programmed music-synchronous laser show
3.2. Create Own Figures and Shows
3.3. Show Folder / Save Figures
3.4. Assignment of Figures to Keys
3.5. Use of Function Keys (F0 to F12)
3.6. Create Music Synchronous Shows
3.7. Make a Live Laser Show
4. The Windows of Laserworld Showeditor
4.1. The Figure Editor
4.2. The Options Window
4.3. The Effects Window
4.4. The Timeline Editor
4.5. The DMX Window
4.6. The Live Window
5. Main Manual
6. Figure Editor (Main Window)
6.1. Create and Edit Figures
6.2. Graphics Features
6.3. Marking- and Editing-Tools
6.4. Frame Tools
6.5. File (Buttons Save, Save As and Save All)
6.6. Textbox „Grid“
6.7. Output Path
6.8. Color Selection
6.9. Checkbox “Figures Always on Top“
6.10. Folder-Area
6.11. Buttons in the right column
6.12. Menus and options
6.13. Menu: File
6.14. Menu: Background Image
6.15. Menu: Edit
6.16. Menu: Figure Assignment
6.17. Menu: Frame Tools
6.18. Menu: Windows
6.19. Menu: Color Table
6.20. Menu: Signs/Text
6.21. Menu: Test Pictures (and Fix Figures)
6.22. Menu: Info
7. Effects & Animation
8. Options / Settings
8.1 Settings – Import, Export
8.2 Tab “Hardware”
8.3 Tab “Text”
8.4 Tab “Show”
8.5 Tab “MIDI/DMX”
8.6 Tab “Others 1”
8.7 Tab “Others 2”
8.8 Tab “Optimize Output”
8.9 Tab “Output”
8.10 Tab “Color Correction”
8.11 Tab “Reset Settings”
8.12 General Buttons of the Options Dialog
9. Timeline Editor
9.1. Buttons and Tools
9.2. Menu: File
9.3. Menu: Showpart
9.4. Menu: Edit
9.5. Menu: Tools
9.6. Menu: Settings
9.7. Menu: Video
9.8. Menu: Play-List
9.9. Menu: Info.txt
9.10. Menu: Countdown
9.11. Menu: Showpath
10. The Playlist
10.1. Violet Arrows
10.2. Green Arrow / Blue Square
10.3. Button Close Window
10.4. Button +
10.5. Eraser
10.6. Vertical Green Arrows
10.7. The List area
10.8. Output Routing and Speed
10.9. MIDI-Info
10.10. Loop
10.11. All Shows
10.12. Wait for OK-click before start next show
10.13. New List
10.14. Load
10.15. Save
10.16. Create Play List from Folder
11. DMX Editor
11.1. EasyDMX – Fader Control
11.2. Macro-Steps
11.3. Edit Steps
11.4. File
11.5. Additional Elements (Output, Master, Mapper etc.)
11.6. “Intelligent”-DMX
12. Remote Control of the Software via DMX and MIDI
12.1. Remote Control with DMX
12.2. Control via MIDI
13. The Live Window
13.1. Live Show Options
13.2. Options per Key
14. Important Hints
14.1. Further Tutorials on the website, Tutorial videos, Troubleshooting
14.2. Free Laser Shows
14.3. Shows created with Third Party Software, Compatibility
14.4. Additional Downloads
14.5. Support
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